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Showing posts from 2020

I am in Love. Possibly

Possibly, it is love no it is not merely plain admiration nor intoxicating lust If I think about you and lean in those thoughts, unpossessed yet embedded and get in the elements of non duality, oneness of the body and mind I know it is metaphysical and raw, physical still lust is a powerful word I am powerless, grounded in my own insufficiencies  and a victim of my own world and my world connects organically to your dreamy acceptance yes, it is love I don't have a flowery definition neither a phrase to sell but a moment of peace, within me connects discreetly to you

At the marine drive

  At the junction, the name of which I forgot already in the company of stale sea breeze and a gloomy sunrise at the backdrop I met you and the color that you wore resembled black your mascara clad eyes and the fragrance of yellow roses looked as if we were having a date  but then I had other plans When you were looked in my eyes, my impulse was to look in yours for a moment I forgot the moment and took a deep breath I held your hand then, as tightly as I could and started my walk I don't remember what you said but you were laughing and giggling and I was loving all of it, the whole-body experience of the energy that you brought was not enough for me, at all The walk continued till I saw a better view of the Sun in the silent vision of the sea And I was looking at you and you were looking everywhere around My hands were in your hands still  and the breeze was letting your hair look disheveled  and your pristine innocence took me in and we embraced The waves had start...

Her onslaught

Her onslaught is temperamentally subtle and  hooks you up in a different realm you may not even know the frame of her mind is perpetually juxtaposed in a way that may be deliciously detrimental  for you there is no way to escape no where to go being with her and watching her silently is enough everything else is a beautiful accompaniment to her chaotic symphony

The appetite I wish was not in me

This was the eventual pièce de résistance when I saw you organically alter my genre which was irresistibly platonic  to metaphorically an aroused state slowly my heart could melt  away towards our bodies an unplanned appetite to say the least when I undressed your emotions and devoured all that was for me it was as if I forgot my verity and caressed you as this was it and no other day would come for me to twist my senses simply put, we made love in the sweetest ways I could define the objectivity got stolen away in the moments of no-mind state it was all about you and me and nothing else would entertain me at that time and place the collusion was it inevitable? the way your hair fell on  half of your upper neck and touched your breasts a little could I have shut my eyes? I really don't know when it was all over and I woke up at a different place I still realized that it was not a dream it was something that lay at the back of my soul was it something I desired a...

My version of you

I think and thoughts meddle in my thinking when I have visions of you those visions I envisage are uniquely mine you will not relate to those truths So I don't transfer them In your delicate, uncluttered mind   I can't imagine how you process Your thoughts of me From the signs I see From my naive disposition I see a template of acceptance, some uncanny space of joy that I perceive in your laughter makes me get more reasons to think of you   A friend says that one can't intellectualize relationships Am I doing it? I do not know I just let myself loose completely As freely as I can In a calm sense of being A terse emptiness in knowing I belong It may all be momentary satiation of small desires Yet I want to think of you more I do not have any version of you I have tried to empty my mind And in this vacuum of dichotomous ideas All I see is you

This love

Unpretentious. Rough Trade. Umbrella of lust. This love. Overrated. Juxtaposed. Termite. Eats your fire. This love. Charred by the depths of obsession. Undeterred. Makes you free. And Chained. And Maimed. And Smoked. And Stoked. This love. The soreness of tenderness. The raspberry tears. Sleuth of breathlessness. Violently posh. Incredibly diabolical. This Love.


It is all about the hidden pact A light hearted creation of thought jugglery My platonic determination Is a deterrent From falling in love with you In my sober dreams, however I do not have finer controls Over my lustful dungeons There I may fantasize Holding your hand And a glass of fine champagne on the other And the cascading dance makes us come closer And touch each other’s trembling and fragile emotions And it doesn’t end there As emotions are contagious I make soft love to you all through the night And then the dream breaks Into the daily trajectory of Life I love you to the hilt, An expression that I cannot bring into ignorant words But it is of a different kind The kind when a ingenious intense bond Doesn’t die There are boundaries Not created by anyone But we are by choice abiding this invisible facade And I love being bounded by This sophisticated bond That is forever This wall acts like a machine That dissects reality Into chunks of swee...


The colours lay stilll at the surface of the shades of emotions and I could draw contours of pain in the shadows of agony when I used the metaphor of trust you defined it by a succinct analogy when you said that betrayals are just myths and you betrayed my thoughts When I see hope dwindling I see the beauty in nothingness even if you are not around here when I have self-philosophical dialogues on love and hope, trust and betrayal, I still know that the innocence that you show is for real Love cannot be subjugated to definitions Trust is just a word after all

The lady in Pink

Gulabi taaseer hai gulabi mazhab hai aaj rang ka jashn hai, har jashn main gulabi rang hai (Pink is the impact, pink is the religion today is the celebration of colours, every celebration has pink in it) She brandishes her beautiful, all white pure teeth and smells of fresh wind that a sudden shimmery summer brings when you are in shade this verse is all about pink and her eyes reflected the color in many ways, Some you cannot imagine I am platonically mesmerized “je suis hypnotisé” as they say in French The strawberry season tried it’s best But I prefer her nonchalance today and the jazz at the café finds the pink melodies from the ramparts of my closed emotions I am surely smitten of an eternal self In the vivid imagination of the unknown karmic world She holds my hand and we see pink and orange skies Different colors Play around the bonfire of togetherness Her eyes play with the Texture of my thoughts The curio...