Truth be told
I do not necessarily
love or trust flowers
They become a poignant humming song
for my poetry
which is delusionary
as it is emerging
out of my love
for you
Few steps aside,
there is a bloom
let me say it this way
on one side they bloom and
sell me the free fragrance
on the other side of this road
is this tiny foliage of the greens
and some signs of a lost lake
and I see you
with a perpetual freshness
A music plays
It sounds almost like a cliché
I mean the music
as if I am a part of a movie
It is warm and seemingly romantic
but you look at the flowers
and feel safe
a look of naivety of love
and I know your heart
It is you that I cherish
not because the bougainvillea
has bloomed
your silent smile
fleeces my heart
and the flowers,
well let us smell the air,
for now
the shade of Bougainvillea
is proudly feasting
on your lips
and the Sun is shining
on this serendipitous
autumn day
Wow! So lovely and heart-touching